IF YOU ENJOY THE HERMANEUTICS WEBSITE and would like to contribute a little something to its ongoing operations and have the means to comfortably do so, then I beseech you to not ignore that worthy impulse. All donations - or, if you prefer, ‘elective subscriptions’ - to the cause of top-notch commentary will be most gratefully received.
“But just how, Mr. Goodden,” you might be wondering, “am I to conveniently, discreetly and securely transfer money from my pocket to yours?”
IF YOU ENJOY THE HERMANEUTICS WEBSITE and would like to contribute a little something to its ongoing operations and have the means to comfortably do so, then I beseech you to not ignore that worthy impulse. All donations - or, if you prefer, ‘elective subscriptions’ - to the cause of top-notch commentary will be most gratefully received.
“But just how, Mr. Goodden,” you might be wondering, “am I to conveniently, discreetly and securely transfer money from my pocket to yours?”

Well, we live in an age of digitized miracles and that very same internet which more or less destroyed the print-media-complex from which I previously derived my living wage, has come up with two methods that work very well indeed.
The very best and most economical for everyone concerned if you happen to do your banking online is an Interac e-Transfer sent along to my email address at: [email protected]
Or my webmaster has now installed a PAY PAL button below. Monies sent along this way are reduced by a nominal transmission fee at my end of the exchange.
And then for my fellow Luddites, there are the old-world options of a cheque or a money order made out to Herman Goodden. My mailing address is: 11 Rogers Ave., London, Ontario, Canada, N6H 1G4.
The very best and most economical for everyone concerned if you happen to do your banking online is an Interac e-Transfer sent along to my email address at: [email protected]
Or my webmaster has now installed a PAY PAL button below. Monies sent along this way are reduced by a nominal transmission fee at my end of the exchange.
And then for my fellow Luddites, there are the old-world options of a cheque or a money order made out to Herman Goodden. My mailing address is: 11 Rogers Ave., London, Ontario, Canada, N6H 1G4.
SPEAKABLE ACTS: SIX PLAYS ATTIC BOOKS 240 Dundas St., London ON N6A 1H3 BROWN & DICKSON 609 Richmond St., London ON N6A 3G3 CARDINAL BOOKS Old Birr Schoolhouse, 23179 Richmond St., London ON N5X 4B2 FANFARE BOOKS 92 Ontario St, Stratford ON N5A 3H2 MUSEUM LONDON 421 Ridout St N, London ON N6A 5H4 OXFORD BOOK SHOP 262 Piccadilly St., London ON N6A 1S4 TUCKEY HARDWARE 136 Wortley Rd, London ON N6C 3P5 OR contact Herman Goodden [email protected] 519-438-0969 Bettger Books $24.95 plus $5.00 shipping within Canada |
ORDER Speakable Acts: Six Plays
ORDER Three Artists: Kurelek, Chambers & Curnoe
OVER THE LAST 30 YEARS, I’ve worked with dozens of writers – some established, some newbies – in preparing their manuscripts for publication. The services I’ve provided have run the gamut from the lightest of tweaks to complete re-writing. Although generally anonymous and behind-the-scenes work, I’ve sometimes received credit in ‘Acknowledgements’ pages and two authors, Kannayo Nwachukwu (A Dream of Canada) and Dawn Stefanowicz (Out From Under), insisted that I share credit on their front covers. I’ve worked on childrens’ books, novels, short stories, historical and political studies, crime thrillers, a guide for birders and many memoirs. If you have a project that you’re developing and would like some help or advice in whipping your manuscript into publishable shape, drop me a line and let’s see if we can push things along together. [email protected] |